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Hope Services — In Concert with Hope

Media Relations & Targeted Networking


  • “In Concert with Hope” was a concert to raise funds for Hope Services, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting people with developmental disabilities through a variety of programs. 
  • The organization also serves those who have mental health conditions. Hope Services assists approximately 3,700 people and their families in nine Bay Area Counties, providing a broad spectrum of services.
  • The organizers faced the challenge of fostering broad-based audience engagement for this critical annual event and achieving their goal of raising $250,000 amidst a very competitive post-pandemic charity event calendar. 
  • PRxDigital was enlisted to strategize and implement a PR and targeted networking plan in order to amplify the event’s reach and impact, which in turn would create more visibility and awareness for the organization.

Strategies & Tactics

  • Crafting a Resonant Narrative – PRxDigital worked with Hope Services to find a compelling narrative. We were inspired by Libo Cao Meyers, a board member of Hope Services who was about to publish her own extraordinary story, Limp Forward: A Memoir of Disability, Perseverance, and Success. Born in China, Libo was diagnosed with polio at just 11 months old, leaving her with a life-long disability. Despite the odds, Myers immigrated to the United States, completed advanced degrees in chemometrics and computer science, and landed a senior position at Apple. She also proved medical naysayers wrong by completing a 100-mile bike ride on the strength of just one leg.
  • Media Relations – PRxDigital leveraged Meyers’s story into a media blitz designed to gain both local and national coverage, crafting and distributing a media kit and press release to a curated media list and providing careful follow-up to answer any questions and/or provide additional details
  • Targeted Corporate Outreach – PRxDigital also used its extensive corporate network to identify and target companies whose stated corporate missions aligned with the work and vision of Hope Services, especially those who had not been previously targeted by the nonprofit.


  • PRxDigital garnered extensive media coverage across local print, digital, and broadcast media as well as national media coverage for Hope Services, resulting in over 12.14 million in estimated audience views and nearly $130,000 in estimated publicity value. 
  • We also secured robust sponsorships for the event and helped foster sustainable relationships with corporate entities for future collaborations. 
  • Hope Services not only achieved but surpassed their initial fundraising goal, securing a remarkable $850,000, far in excess of the original $250,000 goal.